The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups. -Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson, 1946

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Welcome to

Welcome to Twitterfeed!
There's just a few simple steps necessary to get your RSS feeds to publish to Twitter and other services. On the Create New Feed page:

1. Connect your Twitter account to Twitterfeed
2. Copy-Paste your RSS feed url into Twitterfeed
3. Use the advanced settings to customize how the feed is tweeted. (Optional)

Then just click Create Feed and you're done!

Please note that when you add feeds, it takes Twitterfeed about an hour to initially process them. However once that's done your feeds should be published within minutes from then on.
Once your feeds are up and running, your dashboard will show you stats on how many people have clicked on each post. You'll be able to compare posts and see just how Twitterfeed is helping to build your traffic.

Advanced Stuff:

If you use Feedburner and have authorized their awareness api then you can also see those stats on your dashboard, making it easy to compare your traditional RSS distribution with Twitterfeed's social distribution.

Thanks again for joining Twitterfeed, if you have any problems or feedback please go to our Get Satisfaction page at


the Twitterfeed team

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